SEC-grade financial data. Sans EDGAR.
From fast and lightweight tooling to bespoke enterprise-level APIs with custom data shaping, EdgarPro gives you access to EDGAR data without the EDGAR mess.

Search over 6,000 companies by CIK or company name
- Use our low-latency search tools to find a company and review its details.
- EdgarPro lets you search by entity name or CIK, no need to traverse huge text files to figure out the mapping, and hope you have the right entity name.
- If high-speed and flexible search functions aren’t enough, we also offer custom API development that allows you to access exactly the data you need, how you need it shaped, without any clutter.

Search GAAP accounting metrics
- Similarly to the search tools for entity and CIK, we also offer high-speed search functionality for specific GAAP metrics.
- Get a quick review of an entity’s specific metrics without opening a filing. You can even see metrics that aren’t explicitly called out in filings.
- And, as always, the data made available in the platform can be reshaped however you need with custom API endpoint development. If you need to search GAAP standards in a way currently not supported, we’ll make it supported.

Review official SEC filings as they appear on the SEC website
- If you’re looking to go off into the weeds, all of our data is directly powered by SEC filings and those filings are linked for easy access.
- Review current 10-K, 10-Q, 8-K, 20-F, etc. If it’s passed in the EDGAR API, we have it.
- We present the most recent data in the front end but can tap into historic records for those who need it.

Programmatic access to sensible and custom data shapes over API
- Our stable APIs are purpose-built for easy data access, and custom API development takes “purpose-built” to the extreme with bespoke API architecture built specifically for your needs.
- Paid licenses can get access to a stable API with more sensible data shaping than EDGAR.
- Enterprise licenses can get access to fully custom data shaping. We shaped the data for our APIs and understand the importance of purposely shaped data.